The Benefits of Cleaning for Your Mental Health

The Benefits of Cleaning for Your Mental Health

In today's busy world, it's easy to neglect cleaning routines and practices.

According to a study, American adults who enjoyed cleaning were 25% happier than those who did not. Cleaning is linked to more endorphins, which are responsible for improving our mood and reducing stress.

How Cleaning Can Improve Mental Health

Here are some ways that cleaning can help:

  • Improved sleep: Cleaner environments are linked to lower cortisol levels. This relaxation helps us get a more restful night’s sleep.
  • Increased focus: A recent study found that 20% of participants saw improved critical thinking in a clean space. Without a mess everywhere, our brains have an easier time focusing on the task at hand.
  • Better mood: Not only does cleaning decrease stress, but it also boosts endorphins. A clean environment can make us feel more motivated and energized.
  • Consistency: Knowing where all of your items are located saves lots of headaches down the road. Cleaning gives us a sense of familiarity and consistency with our possessions and environment.

How to Implement Cleaning in Your Life

Here are some easy ways to develop better habits:

  • Make it fun: Cleaning doesn’t have to be boring. Play some music or watch your favorite show to make it more enjoyable.
  • Work in Pieces: Don’t overwhelm yourself. Starting with a small area or room each day can make cleaning more manageable.
  • Save Time: Invest in products that make cleaning quicker and more efficient. For example, the Lulu Quick Clean is a 5-in-1 vacuum that vacuums and mops at the same time.